Our Brand Story
Our Aspiration
The Crackpots Coffee Roaster is an independent specialty coffee roastery who believe that every coffee has its home, just like every person has a place to belong, because diversity defines humanity. Instead of just another coffee with suppressed flavour, we believe what you need is a coffee with character, and that’s what we roast.
The nitty gritty about specialty coffee could be confusing, if not intimidating. We get that.
We would like to see a healthy coffee culture where knowledge is shared and passion ignited. To achieve that, we welcome anyone to approach us with coffee question, no judgement. We are more than willing to share what we have learned to help our fellow coffee crackpots to jump onto this wonderful journey of no return with friendly sharing sessions, workshops and public cupping sessions.
Further down the road, we aspire to give back to the bigger coffee industry by offering basic barista training that covers bar operation, grind size calibration, brewing extraction, and latte art to keep the Malaysian coffee scene sustainable and vibrant.

Every Story has
a Beginning
Founded by Wilson and YeeFong out of interest and passion since 2017, The Crackpots Coffee Roaster is now growing into a full-fledge independent specialty coffee roastery in Malaysia with their co-founder, Ken, a fellow lowkey crackpots.
As your usual office workers who ran in the corporate rat race, the idea of starting up a specialty coffee roastery from scratch was really a crackpot idea to the founders at the very beginning.
It all began when Wilson and YeeFong started exploring coffee roasting with an open-air mini coffee roaster, and a huge “Why not?” popped when they were blown away by the amazing flavours of freshly roasted specialty coffee.
Wilson quickly decided to move on to a proper commercial roasting machine before his face was smoked into jerky.
From that moment on, an independent coffee roastery was born.